ComputerTalk’s ice Contact Center Leads in Ease of Customization Category
by Anastasia Micic | Published On July 7, 2023ComputerTalk is pleased to announce that we have been scored as a leader against competitors in the Ease of Customization category in InfoTech Research Group’s Software Reviews.
How are Microsoft Teams Contact Centers Transforming the Customer Service Industry?
by Erina Suzuki | Published On June 27, 2023Revolutionizing the world of customer communication and support, Teams-certified contact centers are a game-changer in today's dynamic digital landscape, delivering seamless and engaging interactions that redefine the customer experience.
ComputerTalk’s ice Contact Center Leads in Vendor Capability Satisfaction!
by Shaundalee Carvalho | Published On June 26, 2023ComputerTalk is pleased to announce that we have been scored as a leader against competitors in vendor capability satisfaction in the InfoTech Research Group’s SoftwareReviews.
Staff Spotlight: Bernie Lee
by Bernie Lee | Published On June 16, 2023It was that one Spring morning a number of years ago that I made the call (a cold call, in fact). The snow had melted, the ground was just thawing, and trees were starting to bud once again. It was a call to a young company, merely six years in existence, that had specialized in voice IVR systems with a platform called Glacier. It was advanced self-serve technology running on high-density telephony boards with analog lines and ISDN PRI trunks. (It has since morphed into a feature-rich omnichannel contact center product.)
How to achieve 99.99% uptime for your contact center with icePhone
by Anastasia Micic | Published On June 9, 2023What is uptime and why is it so important? In short, the higher your uptime the more reliable you are as a contact center. Migrating to the cloud and/or integrating icePhone within your contact center can lead to a 99.99% uptime.
What is a Contact Center?
by Erina Suzuki | Published On June 2, 2023A contact center is crucial to any business, as it manages all inbound and outbound customer communications. The scope of a contact center includes channels such as email, text messages, social media platforms, and live chats.
ComputerTalk and VNEXT: Partners in Providing Full-Service Telephony Migration to Microsoft Teams
by Shaundalee Carvalho | Published On May 30, 2023