Strengthen Your Contact Center With Canned Responses
by Anastasia Micic | Published On August 30, 2023With just one click, your agents can effortlessly respond to your customers, ensuring prompt issue resolution and enhancing customer satisfaction. Read on to discover the value of canned responses and best practices when implementing them within your contact center.
ComputerTalk’s ice Contact Center Leads in Ease of Customization Category
by Anastasia Micic | Published On July 7, 2023ComputerTalk is pleased to announce that we have been scored as a leader against competitors in the Ease of Customization category in InfoTech Research Group’s Software Reviews.
What is a Contact Center?
by Erina Suzuki | Published On June 2, 2023A contact center is crucial to any business, as it manages all inbound and outbound customer communications. The scope of a contact center includes channels such as email, text messages, social media platforms, and live chats.
ComputerTalk stands out from its competitors by exceeding client expectations
by Erina Suzuki | Published On May 5, 2023ComputerTalk is excited to announce that we’re scored a leader in exceeding client expectations in InfoTech Research Group’s SoftwareReviews.
ComputerTalk's ice Contact Center vs. NICE
by Anastasia Micic | Published On March 24, 2023ComputerTalk is pleased to announce that we have been scored as a leader against NICE in the Info-Tech Research Group's SoftwareReviews. Continue reading to find out what categories we outperformed NICE in.
6 Ways How Contact Center Technologies Enhance Service Delivery in Government Sectors (+ Some Real-life Examples!)
by Erina Suzuki | Published On September 29, 2022Government entities are typically the first point of contact for the public to keep communities and their citizens informed. As a result, they receive a flood of inquiries and requests. Fortunately, contact center technologies can support and simplify these tasks.
What are the REAL costs of no-shows for Healthcare Organizations?
by Erina Suzuki | Published On September 6, 2022