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7 new Microsoft Teams features announced at Ignite 2019!

During the first day of Ignite, Marissa Salazar, Product Marketing Manager for Microsoft Teams announced 7 exciting new Teams features. Most of these are top features requested in the past year by users.
What is a Microsoft Teams Call Center Partner? Everything You Need to Know

Microsoft Teams call center partners are helping businesses of all sizes increase the value of their technology investments. Today, Microsoft (MS) Teams is one of the most popular communication and collaboration platforms worldwide, empowering more than 320 million monthly active...
ice and Teams - Better Together

The ice Contact Center <a href="" sfref="[Telerik.Sitefinity.Blogs.Model.BlogPost|CustomBlogUrl|lng:en]51965683-1239-4e29-b8b2-5014b6bcae99" data-sf-ec-immutable="">already has full support for Microsoft Teams</a>. Using the Teams client in conjunction with iceBar not only gives agents advanced call controls, but also screen pop and application integrations, visibility...